So, back to my original point- "just another day". Now, I love birthdays. I think that there should be celebration and lots of excess. But I've never (well, not as an adult anyway) really gotten caught up in the age game. I am the age I am, and it's .. well.. just another day.
Until this year.
This year, I am a year older.
This year, I have learned for 365 days.
This year, I've been a daughter, wife, mom and friend to those I love for 52 weeks.
And this year, I have, once again, taken it all for granted.
As many of you know, I am currently undergoing tests to determine whether or not I have lymphoma. I am waiting for the results of those tests as we speak.
I keep saying it over and over as though to become comfortable with the word will help me come closer to a possible reality.
While I know that confirmation of this illness is not a death sentence, I am still frightened by the what-ifs. (bear with me.. there really is a point to all of this.)
What if it is lymphoma?
More importantly, what if it's not?
Will I sigh after receiving the news?
Will I tell the nurse 'thank you' and just turn back to the monitor, where I spend 8 hours every day and simply move on with relief?
Or will I stop what I'm doing and say a prayer, thanking God for all that I have. Will I remember what I learned during this brief moment of fear?
To trust in the Lord more.
To love with more passion.
To work harder.
To be a better friend to those who have invested so much in me.
To hold my husband and children every day- remembering that there is no promise of tomorrow.
This year, my 36th year on this Earth, I will not take it for granted.
Because it is not just another day.
It is my day and I have cherished every moment!